The "Streets of Venice

A truly unique city where everything in and out of the city is by boat. A water taxi even took us to the airport.

Do you speak Italian?

Over our two weeks traveling in Italy we did pick up a few words that were helpful and polite. I do know what this sign means so maybe I know more Italian than I think and certainly more than some Italian drivers. 😂 #sorrento #italy @taucktravel #tauck #tauckrocks #streetbw #streetphoto #streetsnap#fujifilm_xseries #fujifilm_x #fujixseries #FujIFilmX_US

On the Streets of Italy

Some simple street shots while roaming around Sorrento and Rome. Click any image to enlarge

Amalfi Coast

The Amalfi Coast of Italy. It's a stunning drive that should be on your bucket list. More to come from out two week trip through Italy.

She's Struggling

After a relatively mild, weird Winter, Mother Nature continues to struggle to get to Spring. Our azaleas budded out and then all the buds were killed by a heavy frost a couple nights ago. I found this pear budding out in the backyard yesterday. Snow forecast for Thursday. Hopefully some blooms will survive 'cause the tree is beautiful when it blooms.


The calendar says Spring has arrived. Mother Nature has been a bit confused this year. A walk around the yard yesterday provided evidence that the calendar is correct. Click here for more spring images.  Click any image to enlarge.